Turn Down 2 Turn Up

Many home loans are declined due to low credit scores, high debt-to-income ratios, and insufficient down payments. To reduce these declines, lenders can offer pre-qualification assistance, financial education, and flexible lending options.

By encouraging applicants to improve their credit, reduce debt, and explore alternative financing, denials can turn into approvals. Collaborating with financial advisors and credit repair services can also help clients meet loan requirements.

Addressing common denial reasons allows lenders to build stronger relationships and secure more business.

Loan Retention Program From Turned Down To Turned Up!

This program is exclusively for Clients who have been turned down for a mortgage or loan as an alternative to just saying no; now lenders can put them in the ‘KNOW’ by turning them to education instead of simply simmering in rejection.

Clients complete this online or in-person education platform to understand the WHY of their turndown. This course helps them remove the barriers keeping them from obtaining a home as a foundation outcome of this 100% tax-deductible CRA-Eligible Program.

Once the Client meets their measured outcomes given by their lender; the client is sent back to THEIR lender to become pre-approved so they may proceed with purchasing a home.

The average turn-time for this program is 45 -180 days depending on the client situations. Previous lenders using this program saw one third of their loans increase within the first quarter of using this referral program.

In this online session, the Certified Facilitator will provide additional benefits to this program for mortgage bankers. loan officers, mortgage brokers, and mortgage companies while also discussing the areas of construction by the nonprofit developer and minority builders of record. Having a home in mind gives the Clients something to look forward to.

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Turn Down 2 Turn Up


(Frequently Asked Questions)

Depends on client, but average time is 45-180 days from start to finish.

Sign for the lender referral program. Email/ mail the flyer out to clients. Keep in contact with the nonprofit to stay updated with the clients through the online lender portal.

For CRA Lenders there is a sponsorship opportunity. For non-CRA Lenders there are partnership opportunities. All lenders who become preferred lenders will also be introduced to the Clients in other mortgage readiness programs offered by the nonprofit organization.

If a Client is not pleased with their lender the class is a perfect place for them to explain why. The Certified Home Facilitator will work to rebuild the confidence of the Clients and Lenders so that the relationship is reconnected. The goal is to keep Clients with the referring Lenders.

The Client has to complete the application on the flyer in the QR code. Once the application is approved; Client will pay the application fee of $125 to enter the program; complete a credit evaluation with the IYTG Credit Advisor; as well as sign the Student Enrollment Forms.

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