Monopoly Money Management
Financial Literacy Games Offered
Monopoly Money Management is a financial literacy education event hosted by Inspiring You to Greatness Youth Services Program. This event provides a learning opportunity for students to learn financial literacy, asset management, and negotiation. There are specific games chosen for these events that maximize students fun and learning. Games are provided by Diamond Investing.
At Home Realty
At Home Realty
What’s Different?
Board spaces are places in your home!
Celebrate the things that make staying home comfy. buy and rent out your living room, media room or your bedroom spa. Buy both utilities, TV streaming ad music streaming and you’ll rake up even more rent.
Collect extra cash for essential properties!
In this Monopoly you’ll collect rent as normal, but some Chance and Community Cupboard cards give you a bonus when you own the most desired properties.
Tokens must practice social distancing!
Tokens can’t share the same board space, If your move would end on the same space as another player, move past that space to the next available one. Then carry out the rules of that board space. Its Ok for a token to stay on Just Visiting if there already a token in jail. Its also Ok for you to be on the same space as the Child.
Avoid the wandering child!
When you move your token, you’ll also move the child token according to the die with red pips. If you are ever on the same space as the child you’ll have to pay $50 to keep them entertained.
The Child
On your turn, you’ll move the child according to the dice with red pips. Always move the child after you move your own token. The child never follow the rules of any board space.
Did You Land On the Child?
Offer a bribe and run away. Pay $50 to the bank, then immediately move to any property on the board. Follow the rules of that property space. If you pass GO, do not collect $200.
Did The Child Land On You?
Immediately pay $50 to the Bank.
Is the Child on one of your properties?
You can’t collect rent on that property until the child move!
How to Win
Move around the board buying as many properties as you can. The more you own, the more rent you’ll be able to collect from other players. If you’re the last player with money when all other players have gone bankrupt, you win!
Classic Monopoly
Classic Monopoly
What You Need To Know:
Who Goes First?
Each player rolls both dice
The highest roller starts and play moves to the left.
On Your Turn
- Roll both dice
- Move your token clockwise that number of spaces.
Where did you land? Carry out the rules of that board space. See the Board Space
Did you roll a double? Then roll the dice again and take another turn
Watch Out! If you roll a double 3 times in a row, you must immediately Go to Jail. Do not complete your third turn.
Your turn ends. Pass the dice to your left
Look up the spaces as you land on them.
The Board Spaces
There are three types of properties: Streets (which come in color sets), Railroads, or Utilities,
Unowned Properties
When you land on an unowned Street, Railroad, or Utility, you must buy it or auction it.
Owned Properties
When you land on a property that someone else owns, the owner must ask you for rent. If they do, you must pay. If they don’t ask before the next player rolls the dice, you don’t have to pay.
Want To Buy It?
Pay the price on the board space and take the Title Deed card from the bank.
Don’t Want to Buy It?
The Banker must auction it. Bidding starts at $10, and anyone can increase the bid by as little as $1. You don’t need to follow turn order, and the banker ends the auction when no player is willing to increase the bid. The highest bidder pays the bank. If no one bids on the property, then nothing happens, and the title deed stays in the Bank.
How to Win
Move around the board buying as many properties as you can. The more you own, the more rent you’ll be able to collect from other players. If you’re the last player with money when all other players have gone bankrupt, you win!
Crooked Cash
Crooked Cash
What’s Different
Find the Fake Cash
All bills have a hidden pattern with Mr. Monopoly faces that you can only see with the Mr. Monopoly decoder. On some of those bills, Mr. Monopoly is wearing a mask which means the bill is fake.
Mr. Monopoly’s Decoder
Decoder Chips
To use Mr. Monopoly’s Decoder you must spend one of your decoder chips. Each chip has a green side and a red side. Each player starts the game with their two decoder chips on the green side-up. Chips that are green are active, meaning, you can use them to use the decoder to check another player’s cash of chance card. After you use a chip, you must flip it to the red side-up. It then become unactive and can’t be used until you reactivate it. You’ll get to reactivate you red chips every time you pass GO.
Using the Decoder
To use the decoder, you’ll place it’s lens over a bill or Chance card so that it reveals clear symbols beneath the scrambled pattern.
- Always lay bills or cards against a flat surface when using the decoder.
- With the monopoly symbol on the decoder facing up, line the M on the decoder with the monopoly symbol on cash and Chance cards.
- If you don’t see a clear pattern being revealed, rotate the decoder a little to the left or right until you see what’s beneath the scattered code.
Checking for Fake Cash
Whenever any player pays the bank, another player, makes changes with the bank or another player, any player may spend one of their decoder chips and use the decoder to check if those bills are fake. You can never check your own money.
When checking other player’s cash:
- Quickly announce it once they have the bills they’re using in their hand. You must announce it before they finish the transaction.
- Flip one of your green chips over to the red side.
- Choose one bill from the money the player is attempting to use.
Place Mr. monopoly’s Decoder lens over the scrambled pattern on the bill.
If you found a fake, tell everyone then keep it.
The player whose bills you checked then has to use another bill to complete their transaction.
If you found a real bill, say so and nothing happens.
Checking for Fake Chance Cards
Whenever any player is about to use a Chance card, any other player may spend a decoder chip and use the decoder. You never check your own chance cards.
Wen checking player chance cards:
- Quickly announce it before they can carry out their transaction.
- Flip one of your decoder chips from green to red.
- Place Mr. Monopoly’s Decoder lens over the scrambled text until it becomes clear.
- If you found a fake tell everyone, then place it at the bottom of the deck and collect a $100 reward from the bank.
- If you found a real card, the player who drew the card gets to use it. Nothing else happens.
How to Win
Move around the board buying as many properties as you can. Try to catch others with fake cash and chance cards and avoid getting caught yourself.
House Divided
House Divided
What’s Different?
Tokens and Token Cards
When u choose your tokens, you also take the card with your token on it. The card decides if you’re on the blue or red party, vote with your party when you can-unless it doesn’t benefit you.
The properties are states, buy states to earn votes colored set of states could get you more votes and money. At the end of the game each state is worth the number of votes shown on the back of the State card.
Campaign Buses
When you land on a Campaign Bus you are allowed to move anywhere between the bus you landed on and the next one over.
Campaign Headquarters
Campaign Headquarters are ways you can collect more rent and earn more votes.
Buying Campaign Headquarters
- Once you have a complete color set of states, you can start buying Campaign Headquarters.
- You don’t have to wait your turn, pay the Treasury the cost on the state card and place a Campaign Headquarters on the state.
- Your Campaign Headquarters must match your party color (blue or red)
- You may only have 3 Campaign Headquarters on a state.
Stealing Campaign Headquarters
- Some I Voted and Executive Power cards let you steal states from other candidates.
- If you steal a state that has a Campaign Headquarters on it from a candidate in the opposing party, swap that Headquarters for one of your party’s colors.
I Voted Cards
I Voted cards lets you vote on a candidate to do things like go to jail or take money from the treasury.
- Take the top of the card from the I Voted deck
- All candidates including yourself secretly choose one candidate to vote for. Candidates place the voting chip face down on the center of the board.
- Collect all the voting and announce the results. The candidate with the most votes must immediately carry out the action written on the card.
- Candidates take back their chips and wit for next vote. Place the card at the bottom of the I Voted deck.
Executive Power Cards
Executive Power cards lets you get out of jail free cards or let you swap any state with another candidate.
- When you land here, take the top card from the Executive Power deck.
- If the card doesn’t say you can keep it until you’re ready to use it, you must play it immediately.
- Return it to the bottom of the deck when you’re done.
White House Token
When you have to White House token you are able to collect double the rent on your states. You can get this token by rolling doubles or drawing a certain Executive Power card. If you have the white house card at the end of the game, you will receive an extra 10 votes. Keep the White House until another candidate takes it from you.
How to Win
Buy states, earn votes and collect rent as you move around the board. When all states are claimed the candidate with most votes wins.
Rivals Edition
Rivals Edition
What’s Different?
Instead of the usual 4 players this game has a max player count of 2 players. The objectives are simply to out-smart, out-match and out-class your opponent.
Who Goes First
The player who’s the youngest goes first!
On Your Turn
Roll the die and move the number of spaces.
If you land on free parking nothing happens.
The game ends when a player no longer has any properties, or the entire board is owned by one player.
Landing on Spaces
If you land on an unowned property place a house on it to claim it (buying properties isn’t needed)
If you land on a property that you already own with the full set draw a chance or community card
If you land on a property and you own it but not the counterpart you do not draw a card. Instead, the unoccupied property must be auctioned. The player who bids the highest amount wins the property and pays the bank the amount they bid.
If you land on a property owned by your opponent pay the value shown on the board to your opponent or make a deal. For example, you can negotiate by offering to trade your properties to pay rent. You may not hold off on paying you must pay that turn.
If you land on a property that is part of a full color set owned by your opponent you must pay double the amount shown on the board.
If you land on got to jail move your token to the jail space. You must stay in jail for one turn. Only one player can be in jail.
Playing Community Chest and Chance Cards
If you land on a Chance or Community Chest space, take the card and follow its directions. If you draw a Just Say No, Skip the Rent, Double the Rent, or Triple the Rent card, you may keep them face up on the table to use later. You must play all other cards immediately. After playing a card place it at the bottom of the deck.
How To Win
Be the first to buy up all the properties on the board or bankrupt your opponent!
Monopoly Speed
Monopoly Speed
What’s Different?
Who goes First?
There are no turns in MONOPOLY SPEED! Just dive into the first buying stage.
Game Time
This game is played in four rounds contained with two stages, the buying stage and the trading stage. The timer will signal the start of each stage, count down when you have 10 seconds left, and then signal the end of that stage. There is no break between stages. at the end of the fourth trading stage count up your cash and see who has the most.
Rolling and Buying
Everyone gets a colored dice and a colored token, during the buying stage all players will role and buy at the same time.
The Buying Stage
Everybody does the following at the same time and continues to do so until the timer makes a horn sound, marking the end of the stage.
1st round | 2nd Round | 3rd round | 4th round
30 seconds 20 seconds 20 seconds 10 seconds
The Trading Stage
Everybody does the following at the same time and continue to do so until the timer makes a horn sound, making the end of the stage.
1st stage | 2nd Stage | 3rd stage | 4th stage
40 secs 50 secs 70 secs 70 secs
Trading with Chance and Community Chest
During the trading stages, you’ll have the opportunity to use chance cards to help you wheel and deal. Community Chest cards get you bonuses at the end of the game.
Go Spaces
Free Parking has become another go space. At the beginning of the game you’ll get to decide which of the go spaces you’ll be starting at. Each time you pass a go space you’ll collect $1,000(mm)
Get Out of Jail Every time!
When you land on the go to jail space zoom over to jail but keep rolling. Jail is unlocked and you don’t have to pay anything or roll anything special to get out.
How to Win
Buy and trade as fast as you can! The player with the most money at the end of the game wins.
The End of the Game
At the end of the fourth trading stage, you’ll hear the horn and the applause, meaning the game is over. All players stop trading and count up their cash!
To add up your cash:
- Count any $1000 bills you have left.
- Collect the amount shown on each of your Title Deeds. Remember to collect double rent when you own a set.
- Add the Community Chest bonuses you have.
Super Electronic
Super Electronic Banking
What’s Different?
Get Exclusive Rewards
Each token has a matching Bank card that offers its own unique cash reward. Depending on which token you choose, you’ll get to collect a reward when you roll a certain number, land on a certain space, or purchase a certain property.
Railroads Are Flight Spaces
Instead of purchasing a railroad, you may pay $100 to take a flight to any property on the board!
Force A Trade
Land on a Forced Trade space, and you may choose any one of your properties and immediately trade it for your choice of any one of another player’s properties.
The Banking Unit
There’s no paper money in this game – your cards and the banking unit track your cash. Throughout the game, you’ll tap your bank card, chance card, and title deed cards, and you’ll tap your reference card if you’re the World Traveler to collect unique bonuses. Always tap a card barcode-side down. Lay it flat so that it covers the banking unit as shown. When you tap a card correctly, you’ll hear a confirmation sound related to that action. If you don’t hear a sound, try tapping again.
How to Win!
Move around the board buying as many properties as you can, collecting rent and rewards along the way. The game ends when all properties have been purchased. Then the play with the most cash wins!
Voice Banking
Voice Banking
What’s Different?
Ride the Rails
Instead of purchasing the railroads, take a ride! Mr. Monopoly will send you to a random property space, where you’ll have a chance to buy that property, put it up for auction, or pay rent if it’s already owned.
Forced Trades
Land on Trade space, and you may pay $100 to choose any one of your undeveloped properties and immediately trade it for your choice of any one of another player’s undeveloped properties!
Build Hotels Faster
With Mr. Monopoly as your Banker, you can put up buildings faster than ever! Skip the Houses and go right for the Hotels! You can build one House or one Hotel per property. Since quick building is tough work, you can’t sell back Houses or Hotels once they’re up, so build wisely.
The Get Out of Jail Free Card
This is the only physical Chance or Community Chest card in the game and is the coveted key to getting out of Jail for free! All other cards are managed by Mr. Monopoly via the banking unit and are referred to as Chance cards.
Auctions Hosted by Mr. Monopoly
When you don’t want to buy a property, you must auction it, and Mr. Monopoly will help! All players may bid by pressing their token’s button, and the price goes up by $50 with each bid. Mr. Monopoly will award the highest bidder the Title Deed and subtract payment from their account
The Banking Unit
To use the banking unit during the game, press your token’s button. After you hear a beep, say one of the commands listed on the right and on your reference card.
How to Win!
Move around the board buying as many properties as you can. The more you own, the more rent you collect. The player with the most money and the highest property value at the end of the game wins.