Pathway To Homeownership (P2H)

Pathway To Homeownership is our twelve course certified mortgage readiness education platform. At the end of this course the student will leave with a vast knowledge of the home buying process and homeownership responsibilities. First eight classes are pre-purchase courses designed to prepare the participant for home ownership.

Turn Down 2 Turn Up

This program is exclusively for Clients who have been turned down for a mortgage or loan as an alternative to just saying no; now lenders can put them in the ‘KNOW’ by turning them to education instead of simply simmering in rejection.

Better Business Banking (B3)

Being a bankable business means having the financial stability, credibility, and strong track record that make lenders confident in your ability to repay loans. This involves maintaining accurate records, consistent revenue, and a clear business plan that showcases growth potential and responsible financial management.

Business Alliance Group (B.A.G.)

The Business Alliance Group was designed to assist business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate staff who want to transition from corporate to their own businesses. The Business Alliance Group is comprised of several opportunities to create revenue generating business for each of the members in the program.